Sunday, April 19, 2009


Being in college gives people a sort of license to be weird...Most of people do all kinds of funny stuff..Some people do funny stuff, some people do stupid stuff and other outright weird stuff, its all cool in college!! But then, its basic competitive human nature to want to go that one step further ,,And as few are born with the gift of being mad when they want to (ppl like this are mad most of the time though..),, the others fill the gap for the need to feel light-headed/mad by the means of sutta, daaru and ....and beyond....All for the high and,,well,, the license to be that much weirder!!

Lots of people get on a high and do stuff they would never think of..Loosing any traces of shame and sense that they had to begin with..Its not uncommon to see usually docile guys picking up fights, normally prim and proper girls swearing the world away at each other,, big, macho guys crying and serious/quite people laughing senseless and performing acts of daredevilry..Basically people tend to shed their self created boundaries to the world and do what they really want to (or at least try).. For those around, Once people reach this high, its either very painful, or very entertaining.. But more often than not, fun to watch...

So i thought i'll rate the funniest things i've seen people in college do when on a high...

3) Cause- Drunk
Effect- a guy, stripping down to his underwear, running around college screaming mummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.....

2)Cause - combination of all the things possible
Effect- Couple of guys, Driving around senselessly on bike, falling into a gutter, and having the bike fall on them!!! (Dont ask me how something like that happens!!)

1) Cause - bhaang
Effect - Laughing for 8 hours STRAIGHT !!! (Trust me, This is far more painful than the above!!)

And though number 3 and 2 make much better stories to tell, stories related to bhaang pretty much always leave you wondering....HOW ????
Stories of people laughing for hours together, eating despite being not hungry for hours together (simple you are about to explode..then toilet..then repeat!!), sleeping for around 30 hours straight and even taking bath uncountable number of times over and over again.... All these are things that actually happened...

It all made me wonder,,,whats with the stuff???? I have a simple funda in life, to try everything i can atleast once!!
I've tried daaru,,dont really like it,, doesn't seem to have effect on me..One of my friends, using all his "IITian dimaag" gave a very plausible reason for it...He said "People usually act mad when they are drunk...But you are like that all the time anyways, so it makes no difference to you.."..I can't say anyone's disagreed with his theory yet...
So come holi in final year,, i was in college...And no prizes for guessing what on top my "things to try out" list....

To be continued....


  1. This is so true. There is so much new that one encounters in college. Its different, but also real fun. Nice post, keep blogging! :)

  2. i have a feeling that "IITian dimaag" was a reference to me..

  3. Hey is the 3rd point refers to the holi in 5th hostel in final year when akshat was on high and pandu slept for almost 36 hrs... hehehehe.......
